
Let’s be honest: what would the world look like if everybody was the same? Just like in a good marriage between opposite personalities, a team with a higher diversity of personalities will most certainly give leaders better results in the longer run.

This is simply because they will have a larger repertoire of complementary skills and qualities available, provided that they invest in developing a healthy level of social versatility among their co-workers, developing a profound understanding and acceptance of the synergy caused by the fundamental differences between all the participants.

Social versatility is the combination of self-awareness, empathy, and adaptability.

Social versatility is our ability to overrule our autopilot by:

  1. Understanding, accepting and respecting our own primal needs and fears, and temporarily overruling them when interacting with others;
  2. Understanding, accepting and respecting the primal needs and fears of others;
  3. Consistently and automatically adapting our own behavior to the primal needs and fears of others.

Our Human Logic™ program, therefore, is aimed at reprogramming the autopilot, which requires us to re-learn flying by hand first, without all the automation which is supposed to help us, but in fact continuously leads us in the wrong direction.

Our program intends to support in re-writing the autopilot software, and add interesting approaches to the existing repertoire, with the aim to be more successful in dealing with a great variety of people. Our program is all about understanding and accepting the idiosyncratic differences in behavior we are facing every single day between people; situations we often consider as examples of weird or difficult behavior.

The best leaders know that the peculiarities of all these different people create a wonderful environment of diversity in talent, skills, and temperament. The poorest leaders try to squeeze everyone into the same mold (preferably their own mold) because it is easier to control and doesn’t require a lot of empathy to manage. Unfortunately, this is a daily reality in many organizations and eventually always fuels toxic behaviors and damages employee morale. No matter how brilliant your products or services are, toxic leadership, poor employee morale and high staff turnover will eventually kill your results.

The best leaders know that human diversity, all this combined weirdness, creates an amazing synergy. It is instrumental in getting the best out of people, the best out of their communication, the best out of their collaboration, the best out of their creativity, and eventually the best results, provided that you help people understand that different is not weird or threatening, but in fact a great power.

But how do you knit all the combined weirdness together in the attempt to make something great out of it?

The answer is in deeply understanding the human logic behind all the weirdness and finding out that weird is not weird but just different.

We aim at providing you with many practical answers to the question of how to successfully knit all the human weirdness together into something very powerful. We will make an effort to unravel and explain the idiosyncrasies that often divide us but in fact define our powerful complementarity and synergy. However, to be able to understand, accept and successfully implement those practical answers, the first thing you’ll need to realize is that you are just as weird as all the others. What we have in common most with other people are our differences, which in itself bears a great potential: the power of diversity.

Our Human Logic™ program provides a wealth of in-depth information about how to be more effective and successful as a leader. In great detail we cover the strengths and liabilities of the four Behavior Styles. We analyze their primal fears and needs, their specific leadership qualities and pitfalls, how each of the styles deals with priorities, time, decision-making, and stress, and we cover in great detail how to successfully work with people with each of the Behavior Styles.

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