
Responsiveness is the tendency to express or withhold emotions to or from other people. An outgoing individual is often said to be an excitable and engaging person. More controlled people tend to hide their emotions. They are often described as being reserved or guarded. In short, it is the measure of outward control this person exerts over him or herself.

Responsiveness is the degree to which people are openly and freely expressing or withholding emotions.

Responsiveness is defined by observing a combination of:

    • Frequency of words (more words versus fewer words);
    • Frequency of tone of voice (melodious voice versus flat voice);
    • Frequency of body language (outgoing, open gestures and mimics versus controlled, guarded gestures and mimics).

Like with assertiveness, the position of people on the responsiveness scale is fairly consistent under normal circumstances, but under stress their tendency to be outgoing or controlled may be further enhanced.

Especially when under pressure, people that naturally exhibit more controlled behavior will show a more guarded demeanor. They will have guarded mimics, a closed body posture, and their voice will become more even or flat. They will speak less and will appear detached. The more they get under pressure the less they will express their feelings.

More outgoing people, however, will readily show emotion under pressure. Their voice will become more animated, and their gestures will become more outgoing, as well as their mimics. They will easily express their feelings and show excitement or anger.

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